Massage for Mind and Body

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The treatmens begin with a consultation where we discuss how the client is feeling in their body. Posture and range of motion is evaluated and any restrictions noted.

Based upon the above information combined with kinesthetic listening, we then agree upon treatment priorities and strategy. A session will usually combine elements from different modalities (see below) to achieve effective and lasting release.


Manual Neurovascular Release employs gentle and specific techniques to resolve myofascial restrictions to nerves and vasculature. 

It can help resolve chronic pain and stubborn, longstanding physical restrictions by releasing artery tension to tissues and improving nerve glide.


Holistic massage is an ancient discipline used to improve health and wellbeing by treating the mind, body and spirit. It maintains our general health and fitness, complements traditional medicine in the treatment of specific conditions and symptoms, and offers relaxation in our often hectic lifestyles.

Massage is the therapeutic application of touch using a range of movements or strokes upon the skin, muscles and joints. It has significant benefits for all the body's essential systems.

In Holistic Massage coldpressed, organic plant oils are used as a medium, to reduce friction and allow smooth strokes.

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Deep Tissue Massage is a massage technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep pressure on the contracted areas, either following or going across the fibers of the muscles, tendons and fascia.

It helps to break up and eliminate scar tissue. Deep tissue massage usually focuses on more specific areas and may cause some soreness during or right after the massage. However, if the massage is done correctly you should feel better than ever within a day or two.

Myofascial release techniques involve gentle, sustained pressure into myofascial (connective tissue) restrictions in order to relieve pain and restore mobility.


Indian Head Massage is a treatment based on old Ayurvedic techniques involving work on the upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face. A variety of massage movements are used to relieve accumulated tension, stimulate circulation and restore joint movement. IHM is also used to aid the condition and health of the hair, particularly when combined with the use of natural organic oils, as done in Ayurvedic Head Massage.

Indian Head Massage is used in order to help reduce stress and fatigue, increase mental clarity, and relax and rejuvenate the receiver. A treatment may last between 20 minutes and one hour.

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Thai Yoga Massage (Nuad Bo-Rarn) is a unique form of body work that incorporates Hatha Yoga, acupressure and reflexology with origins dating back over 2500 years. The roots of Thai massage are traced back to the founder of the practice (known as "Father Doctor") Shivaga Komarpaj (or Jivaka Komar Bhaccha), a doctor and contemporary of the Buddha.
As Buddhism spread from India, so did this form of healing massage. Monks in Thailand originally used this therapy as an element of their healing practices, which consisted of dietary advice, the use of herbs, meditation, and what we now call Thai massage.

The aim of Thai Yoga Massage is to open and balance the flow of energy and to support the body's natural ability to heal. This is achieved through rhytmic manipulation using passive stretches, joint mobilization and gentle pressure of the energy points along the Sen lines (meridians / energy lines of the body). In practice the massage unfolds like a continuous and rhythmic dance, or a dynamic meditation.

Thai massage is carried out on a mat or thin mattress, which is laid out on the floor. The therapist uses both their hands and feet to apply pressure to the client's fully-clothed body and to carry out a range of gentle stretching movements. During the massage the client, whilst being manipulated gently and respectfully, is given the opportunity to look within and focus on the healing experience. A Thai massage can last for up to three hours and clients are advised to wear loose, comfortable clothes.
Thai massage is normally carried out in silence as, for the therapist, the giving of the massage is an important meditative and spiritual practice.

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The healing practice of Thai herbal compress (Luk Pra Kob) therapy dates back nearly 5000 years. Some scholars believe that herbal compress massage was first introduced to Thailand by monks from India, around 200 B.C. Others believe it originated from rural folk medicine and was passed on by word of mouth through an unbroken chain of masters, or through secret manuscripts that changed hands from teacher to student.

The Thai herbal compress technique offers several potential health benefits: It induces deep relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue, boosts both emotional and physical well-being, assists alignment and postural integrity of the body, improves circulation of blood and lymph and stimulates the internal organs. This warming and powerful, yet gentle treatment has many applications. It can help alleviate chronic problems, such as back pain, tendonitis or tight ligaments, as well as relieve stress, anxiety, period pains or be used post partum.

To make the compress, a combination of healing herbs is bundled together, steamed and applied to the body. Hot herbal compresses can be integrated with either Thai Yoga Massage or Western style massage and herbal blends can be customised to treat special conditions. The application will vary somewhat depending of the type of massage chosen, compresses may be applied directly on the skin, in combination with warm oil or used through clothing.

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